Drag and Drop in Javascript
Finished Example
Move Me!
The only necessary thing that you need before you start is a script with a source linked to a javascript libarary. i am using Jquery version 2.1.3.
Add it to the top of your page like so:
<script src="Scripts/jquery-2.1.3.js"></script>

Setting Up The Divs
First we will begin by laying out the Divs which will be used for Dragging objects, as well as the "Hole" that will recieve the objects.
Start by adding an outer div which will act as the table.
Set the class of your div so you can style it. In this example i will use the id "tableDiv" and the class "table".
<div id="tableDiv" class="table"></div>
Next add 4 identical divs to the inside of of the "tableDiv". (You can add as many as you like, but for this example we will just use 4).
Give each one a class that you will later use to style and apply necessary javascript. I will use the class "hole"
Your div's should now look like the following:
<div id="tableDiv" class="table">
<div class="hole"></div>
<div class="hole"></div>
<div class="hole"></div>
<div class="hole"></div>
</div> -
Now, inside each of the "hole" divs add another div.
Each of these divs should have a class and have the "draggable" attribute set to true. For these i will use the class "innerHole".
Inside one of the divs you can place a label, image, or anything that you want to be dragged around. I will be using a label.
Your completed divs should look like the following:
<div id="tableDiv" class="table">
<div class="hole">
<div class="innerHole" draggable="true">
<asp:Label runat="server" Font-Size="Large">Move Me!</asp:Label>
<div class="hole">
<div class="innerHole" draggable="true"></div>
<div class="hole">
<div class="innerHole" draggable="true"></div>
<div class="hole">
<div class="innerHole" draggable="true"></div>
- You now have your complete set of divs.

The styling of the divs is mostly up to you. I will post the styling that i used below for reference.
.table {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
.hole {
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: white;
.innerHole {
You will notice that i have the table set to be just big enough to hold each div and its border.
The "float:left;" is necessary for the table to take it's shape. as it will stick each div side by side.

Implementing the Drag and Drop
To begin, start by adding a script area, and adding a global var to the inside of it. FOr this example i will name my var draggedSquare.
This will be the variable that will hold the state of the square you are dragging.
Your code should look like this thus far:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $draggedSquare;
</script> -
Next we will define a function for the "$(document).ready()" that will apply each of the necessary methods based on the classes we assigned earlier.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.innerHole').on('dragstart', dragging);
$('.innerHole').on('dragend', draggingEnded);
$('.hole').on('dragenter', preventDefault);
$('.hole').on('dragover', preventDefault);
$('.hole').on('drop', dropSquare); });
We will define each of these functions next.
Now we will define the dragging function, which will apply the class "dragging" necessary to drag the square as well as assign it to our global variable.
function dragging(e) {
$draggedSquare = $(e.target);
Next is the draggingEnded function which will remove the class we assigned to the square.
function draggingEnded(e) {
Next is the preventDefault function which will cancel all default functionality from happening.
function preventDefault(e) {
Finally is the dropSquare function, which will do the would of applying your draggedSquare to your choice of hole.
function dropSquare(e) {
You should now have all the functions necessary for the drag and drop!
Your final script should look like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $draggedSquare;
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.innerHole').on('dragstart', dragging);
$('.innerHole').on('dragend', draggingEnded);
$('.hole').on('dragenter', preventDefault);
$('.hole').on('dragover', preventDefault);
$('.hole').on('drop', dropSquare);
function dragging(e) {
$draggedSquare = $(e.target);
function draggingEnded(e) {
function preventDefault(e) {
function dropSquare(e) {
You should now have a functioning drag and drop table!